What Do You Hear, What I Hear? 

Today I am sharing text from a devotional project I have been working on for quite some time.

Day 3 What do you hear on the inside?

Growing up, any event with rain, especially a summer rain storm or thunderstorm was a serious occurrence. 

North Carolina summers are famous for their humidity, and frequent rain showers during the blazing hot weather. My mother would shut all the lights off in the house, and unplug some appliances and we would all sit together in one room. 

She would often say that God was speaking. The storm, rather than a time to be fearful, offered opportunities to sit in solitiude and hear from the spirit. 

“God’s voice in your heart often sounds like a flow of spontaneous thoughts. God’s voice comes as spontaneous thoughts, visions, feelings, or impressions. God will speak through your dreams, thoughts, visions and circumstances. Indeed, God is still speaking..” – Ryan Girley 

Just as quickly as the summer rain storm began, it would end. Oh, how we all often wish the storms of life were quick affairs! 

Elijah was a prophet versed in the weather conditions of his region. In fact, God used him to issue the command that no rain would fall. 

Yet we find this curious verse in 1 Kings 18:41 (KJV); “And Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain.”

The very prophet whom God used to command a time of dryness for the earth, had an inward well that had not run dry. In fact his ability to hear rain, remained intact despite less than ideal circumstances. 

NC Highway 41 After Sustained Rainstorm / Heavy Rainfall

It was during the driest seasons of my life. Times of unemployment, health concerns, family crisises , financial stresses, and a seemingly silent God! 

That I discovered that despite less than ideal circumstances my inward well had not dried up! I still had the ability to hear rain. 

What I once saw as an irredeemable nuisance; I now saw as an opportunity for God’s hand and eyes to be shown strong on my behalf. (2nd Chron. 16:9) 

 I didn’t have a cloud the size of a man’s hand (1 Kings 18:44 KJV) but I did have my faith. 

It lead me to create this prayer as a juxtaposition between the dryness of my physical situation and the rain I heard with my spiritual ears… (Rev. 3:22, Matthew 11:15) 

On the inside of me there is peace, even though on the outside there is despair. 

On the inside of me there is healing, breakthrough, restoration and miracles even though on the outside of me there is often great travail  and lamentation. 

On the inside of me there is wealth, even though on the outside of me there is lack. 

On the inside of me there is joy, even though on the outside of me there is pain. 

On the inside of me, I have provision, my basket, and my store are overflowing even though on the outside of me life says I have nothing left and am destitute.

On the inside of me there is love, hope, faith, and charity, even though on the outside of me there is fear, anxiety, stress and bewilderment. 

On the inside of me, my darkest hour of struggle represents my first hour of victory; even though on the outside of me I have yet to see the break of day.

I choose to believe that what is inside of me, is stronger, greater and mightier….  (1 John 4:4 KJV) 

If You Can Visualize Your Life Beyond The Storm You Can Soar! We Serve A God Who Command’s The Rain Where To Fall!


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